Hand and Footprints
Baby plaques - clay imprints or plaster cast
We have many enquiries and bookings for our bespoke baby keepsake plaques. Our studio offers a choice of clay imprints or plaster of Paris casts. Each option creates a fleeting moment that will last forever.
So what is the difference between the clay imprint and plaster cast?
Appearance and size being the most obvious one, as clay cast is made by imprinting hand or foot (or both) into the flat clay surface, resulting in indentations, and hand or foot plaster cast 'sticks out' from the flat surface.
After the clay imprints are taken, the clay is then dried and fired, and resulting bisque (plain white plaque with hand and foot imprint) is personalised and tinted to customer's specifications. Then glaze is applied and the plaque returns to the kiln for second firing. This process takes 10-12 weeks and resulting plaques are 9-14inches wide, depending on customer's needs and clay shrinkage. Price varies between £35.00 for single hand or foot print, up to £85.00 for a family unit. Larger plaques can be produced, but price will go up according to size of clay slab needed.

Plaster of Paris casts start by taking hand or foot imprints into special Plasticine, and afterwards all the little wrinkles and shapes are captured in plaster of Paris, which facilitate the 'stand out' effect - all indentations become raised and the overall effect is just so charming! The plaster casts take about 8-12 weeks to accomplish (depending on weather), and we work according to customer's brief regarding the colour scheme and lettering of the plaque. The whole project is sealed with acrylic lacquer to prevent moisture absorption and protect against deterioration. Price is from £25 for a cast and resulting plaque is 7-8 inches wide.

The large rainbow baby from £50, the blue, and the round from £35.

A plaster cast out print painted and lacquered £25 you choose your own colours and styles

This is an oval plaque we do square, round, heart shaped, whatever you would like!

The large rainbow baby from £50, the blue, and the round from £35.